11 July 2014

the betwixt people

the betwixt people
This blog was born out of a discovery that a good number of my classmates, myself included, currently consider themselves "betwixt people."  We are in the stage between graduation and a steady career.  For some of us, that means we're doing the classic work-in-a-coffeeshop while we spend all our free time devouring books and having solid conversations.  For others, it means we're working a part-time job in our field of undergraduate study, gaining field experience while biding time and saving money for grad school.  Still others chose to go right on to grad school, extending their formal learning while preparing for work-life to hit.  In all these scenarios, we live in that nebulous stage before true modern adulthood, figuring out mundane but essential things like insurance, rent, and savings accounts.

why this blog?
I am starting this blog to challenge myself to use what I consider this in-between-time constructively.  I hope it will be a somewhat public forum that will motivate me to stay on task.  I plan to post four posts a week in the following categories: Music, Food, Style, and Thoughts.  They're intentionally broad, though I have very specific ideas of how they might look.  Ideally, this will be a more structured creative outlet than I currently have with Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr.  

So, welcome!  I love feedback, and I promise I won't always be this serious.  :)


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