16 July 2014

cumin tilapia with simple salsa

Cooking for one person, i.e., yourself, can be a bit of a drag.  First of all, there's the problem of portion.  For example, the minimum amount of rice my rice cooker can make is one cup, which is too much rice for me for one meal.  I always end up with leftovers.  In fact, my m.o. is to cook every two or three days and eat leftovers between cooking days.  However, I can never get out of my head my mom's voice saying, "It's not healthy to eat leftovers all the time!"  Not to mention I get easily bored with food, so eating the same thing four meals in a row is basically the worst.

For the past few meals I've been eating potato salad because for some reason I decided to buy a 5 lb. bag of potatoes.  I don't know what possessed me at the grocery store.  Maybe they were on sale . . . also I think that potatoes last forever so I can take my time eating them.  In any case, tonight I wanted to eat something more than just potato salad, so I dug out some frozen tilapia fillets.  My usual quick way to cook them involves seasoning with garlic powder, black pepper, salt, and maybe some oregano and other dried herbs.  Today, to spice things up and as a nod to my new favorite mini-series (cf. previous post!!  Listening to the soundtrack right now and it's bringing back so. many. feels.  ahhhh I wanna re-watch all 765 minutes of it !!!!!), I added a Moroccan twist.

cumin tilapia with simple salsa

note: all measurements are very approximate as I usually don't measure things when I cook, only when I bake

1 frozen tilapia fillet
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 tsp. coriander
1/2 tsp. cumin
1 tbsp. olive oil
some tomatoes (I used four cherry tomatoes because that's all I had)
a bunch of cilantro (I used . . . a bunch)


1. sprinkle and lightly rub salt, pepper, coriander, and cumin on both sides of the tilapia
2. chop tomatoes and cilantro.  mix and let sit.
3. heat the olive oil in a nonstick pan
4. put tilapia in the pan and cook each side for 3-5 min. until cooked through (i.e. you can easily fork through it)
5. garnish with salsa and enjoy!

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